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To: Letting You In

Having soft music play in my ears allows me to stay in control and in the moment.  Life is fast paced, but the music is a reminder to me to stay in the moment and feel, rather than react.

I have three little babes jotting around.  One in particular is sensitive to his outside world and how it affects him.  The thought came to me about my head phones.  It probably appears that I am trying to block the outside world out.  Son, "it is not to block you out, but a way to let you in."

We are in charge of the shells that surround ourselves.  How hard do you keep yours?  I like my soft and hard, all at the same time.  I like being permeable to the impressionable and hard to the bracing balls to dodge.  If I am not careful, my shell becomes flooded and no longer pliable to the things I need my heart to be connected to: God, myself, my husband, my children, and then others.

There are many ways to stay intuitive and grounded within ourselves.  I like practicing many: soft music; meditation; working out; healthy diet; nature; etc.

It is our responsibility to be aware of what we are letting in, so we can be in charge of what we are "letting out"- temperament; perception; appreciation and ultimately how we are staying connected to those that mean most to us.

Son, "let me let you in, not block you out."

Thank you,

Grounding Practices


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