When in the globe of our own trial, it is difficult to not feel imprisoned by loneliness. It's easy to think we've been the only one that has walked 'this' path, leaving ourselves dry of others help and console. What about when very few have walked our path, are we then justified to prove to be the most lonely, desperate, or upset? Aren't these feelings what drive us away from what we desire and entraps us into a world we can not escape? We are left bitter, alone, and angry. But, those same feelings are also an advocate to welcome others into the once forsaken globe. I asked a dear friend how she does not feel alone with coping with the loss of her son. I was feeling angry and alone with the limits I have and the lack of understanding others have about chronic pain and she responded by saying, "we all have the same emotions". Even though someone might not have lost their son, they have felt a deep sense of despair, loss, and anger and ...
Aren't we who we need to overcome? As I write to my problem, discover the tools I've discovered and the recipes to overcome.